Configuration Guide
1.) Config.Values.MaxOutfitName
The character amount allowed to have when saving the outfit.
2.) Config.Values.MaxOutfit
If enabled, this sets a "max outfit" cap within the skin-menu, you can change the default amount by changing the value within "DefaultAmount" by default, its 5.
3.) Config.Values.Whitelist.Discord.BotToken
By default this will be blank, the value must be a string. You need to input the token of your servers discord bot that has permissions to view members and roles. If you do not know how to create a bot and invite it to your discord server with permissions, there are plenty of guides on Youtube and Google. IMPORTANT: Do NOT share your bot token with anyone, ever!
4.) Config.Values.Whitelist.Discord.GuildId
By default this will be blank, the value must be a string. You need to input the guild id of your discord server. This can be done by enabling "Discord Developer Mode", then right clicking on your servers icon and clicking "Copy ID", the guild ID needs to match the same server that your bot is in.
5.) Config.Values.Whitelist.Discord.Roles
By default there are 2 place holders entered as examples, the value must be a table. You can change any of the already entered roles, and even add more. This is used to give players extra outfit slots when they have the discord roles. The "RoleId" must be a Discord role ID, to get that its just like the guild id, simply enable "Discord Developer Mode", then right click on the discord role and click "Copy ID". The "AddAmount" is how much will be added upon the already set default amount. The amount does not stack between roles, so the end result would be the "AddAmount" + "DefaultAmount".
6.) Config.CustomNotifications
If you had your own notifications that you want to use then find the "Config.CustomNotifications", from here, you will need to enable the custom notifications, from there you need to enter the trigger of your notification, usually can be found on the notifications documentations, if you need help with this, you can open a ticket on the official discord.
Last updated