Outfit caps with whitelisting of discord roles to allow more outfits.
API for getting discord role information
Completely stand-alone, all information is saved to a JSON file.
Many player customizations:
Ability to change inherence (Father, Mother, Mixing)
Ability to change appearance (Hair Style, Hair Color, Beard, Beard Color, and More)
Ability to change clothing (Masks, Shirts, Bags, and More)
Ability to change and add props (Helmets, Glasses, Watches, and More)
Ability to change and customize player tattoos (Head, Torso, Legs, and Arms)
Ability to change face expressions (Normal, Happy, Angry, Stressed, and More)
All customizations can be removed/added/renamed through the config.
All text/notifications can be changed through the config.
Set default character to load in as.
Spawn, Edit, Delete, and Clone all saved outfits.
Last updated